Teaching 2024-5

We will have supervisions in my office V5ii at Christ’s. I’ve marked its location on this College map.

Outside the supervisions, the best way of getting in touch with me is by email js591.


Please submit your work into your Micro OneDrive folder by the deadline (below). I will mark the work and put it back into your Micro OneDrive folder. Please check your folder just before the start of your supervision.

  • You will get the link to your Micro OneDrive folder by email. Some instructions for using OneDrive are here https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/one-drive

  • Your submission should be one pdf file, with your name written on your work. Your college and name should appear in the file name (e.g. CHR_HermioneGranger_micro_sup0.pdf)

  • Late work will not be marked. Those who do not submit work forfeit the right to attend the supervision.

  • I encourage you to do the work by hand (good practice for exam).

  • I might display some of your work in the supervision and ask you to talk about it. Also, I might use it in teaching future students, but please let me know if you prefer me not to.

  • Please look over your work before you come to the supervision to remind yourself of the questions and your answers. This way, we can hit the ground running in the supervision.

I. Micro Part I

Michaelmas term:

Before you start: make sure you go through the Maths and Stats Pre-Course Revision for Part Is by Prof Onatskiy, ideally before you start your Micro lectures. The key topics for Micro are number 1 (Specifying…), 2 (Elementary…), 4 (Bivariate…) and 5 (Chain…). Your aim is to make sure you understand the concepts fully and can apply them. To find the course log into Moodle with your Raven password, go to page “PI Course Information” and then scroll down toPre-Course Revision”.

Deadline for submitting supervision work: 5pm on Tuesday in the week of the supervision.

Supervision schedule (password protected, last update October 8)

Supervision 0:

II. Micro Part IIA

Michaelmas term:

Supervision schedule (password protected)

Deadline for submitting work: 5pm on Wednesday in the week of the supervision.

Supervision 3. Repeated games — additional reading for the curious: “Facing the Grim Truth: Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Against Robot Opponents” by John Duffy, Ed Hopkins and Tatiana Kornienko